The Writer’s Workshop Speakers for Blissdom have some books available that you might be interested in. Don’t wait until the conference to begin learning from these amazing speakers!
Annie Downs’ session is “Write Now: How To Write Wisely Through All Seasons.” She is the author of Perfectly Unique: Praising God from Head to Foot.
Jeff Goins’ session is “When Good Writing Isn’t Good Enough.” He is the author of Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into your Comfortable Life,
You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One),
The Writer’s Manifesto,
The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing,
and Wrecked: When A Broken World Slams Into your Comfortable Life
Megan Jordan’s session is “Uninterrupted Thought: Power Of Focus.” She is the founder and publisher of Story Bleed Magazine.