Attending a conference is often overwhelming. You probably took a lot of notes and made lists of things you want to do for your website and/or business. Then you got home and were confronted with everyday life including, but not limited to: dishes, laundry, cooking, etc. The notes got put in a pile and they just contribute to your guilt.
Take one measurable action step.
This step should be more than just a conference recap. Doing just one big thing that you can share online will help you to feel better, your business to grow, your name/face to stay in front of the other attenders, speakers, and followers. Start with just one!
Here are 2 examples of things I did recently:
Affiliate Marketing Challenge: At Type A Advanced in Philadelphia Missy Ward spoke on affiliate marketing and issued a challenge to implement one of the strategies she taught. Then she promised to match the commissions made within 30 days of the conference.
This caught my attention because I had dabbled in affiliate marketing previously, but had let it fall by the wayside. I amped it up using some ideas I had gotten at the conference and was able to get money in my ShareASale account [affiliate link, of course] as well as a payment from Missy. I interacted with her several times so there is a better chance of her remembering me; plus she congratulated me publicly so other people saw my name that way. It feels like a win-win.
Any time a speaker issues a challenge they have given you a wide open door to better yourself and stay connected with them. Walk through that door!
Video Response: I had some great interaction with Rock and Roll radio legend Dayna Steele during and after her speech at Disney Social Media Moms. After I was home I looked up her website and social media sites because I was impressed with her. I honed in on her YouTube channel because I love video and decided to make a video response to a question she asked in her speech and one of her videos. I thought of it, recorded, edited, and uploaded one evening after supper. She loved it and started sharing it many places! While the only money I have made off of this action is through YouTube ads, it did help raise my stats and keep me in front of Dayna’s eyes and conference attendees. Feels like another win-win.
By connecting with a speaker you instantly get more credibility and they usually have a bigger audience to spread the word to.
I think that another key is that each of these actions are very specific. I didn’t talk about the whole conference or to the whole conference. I mainly interacted with one other person by building off of things they talked about at the actual conference.
Notice that these were from two different conferences. Maybe in the future I can do more than one measurable action for each conference.
What measurable action have you taken after a conference?