Tweet By Sara My blog, Saving For Someday, went live January 2nd, 2010. I’d been out of blogging for a few years, and in that time a lot of things changed. Including blogging. A week after launching my blog I bought a ticket to Blissdom ’10. Two weeks later I was landing in Nashville. I [...]
How to Effectively Network Before, During & After Conferences
Tweet By Kay Lynn Akers Many bloggers are shy and worried about attending their first blogging conference. The stress reminds me a lot of being the new kid at school. I felt that way when I signed up for the Savvy Blogging Summit last spring and learned a lot about networking in the blogging world. [...]
Myth vs. Reality at Conferences
Since starting Blog Conference Newbie, I’ve been talking to many newer bloggers and new blog conference attendees about their fears, concerns, and expectations about conferences. Just like with anything in life, when we are doing something new, our nerves take over and our imaginations become a roadblock.
I Do Want To Meet You, But I’m Nervous
I have never been to a conference. I will make it to one this year with the help of a sponsor, hopefully! I am desperate to learn more about blogging and social media. I want to meet these fabulous bloggers that I have met online. However, I am anxious, nervous and scared as well! In the end, us newbie’s just want to feel welcomed to the blogging community.