February 9, 2014

Do You Have An “Elevator Introduction” Ready?

Tweet We all know blog and social media conferences can be hectic. So much to do, so many people to meet, so little time! So how do you make sure to get the most information into a conversation in what limited time you may have with someone? When I took to Twitter to ask you [...]

Newbie Tips To Make The Most of Conferences

To Do List

I see it at every conference—wide-eyed newbies with entirely too much knowledge crammed in their head and a stack of business cards they have no clue how to handle. Don’t panic! We’re here to walk you through the entire experience.

5 Promotional Opportunities at Blogging Conferences

Man holding business card

Whether you’re a natural self-promoter or shy to the concept, representing your blog at blogger’s conferences can greatly enhance your attendance value. But not every method you hear about is a good idea…

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