March 5, 2015

Sponsorshop 101: Promoting Your Conference Sponsor Online


Tweet In this Sponsorship 101 series so far, we’ve looked at how to get a sponsor and how to promote said sponsor at blog conferences. Now let’s look at ways you can promote your sponsor online before, during, and after attending the blog conference. In all honesty, most of the ways you will promote your [...]

This Blogger’s Perspective on Sponsorship

As a marketer and a blogger myself, I recently spoke with a fellow mom blogger who couldn’t afford to attend an upcoming conference. When I suggested she approach a brand about sponsoring her, she admitted that not only did she not know where to start, she was afraid to even ask.

What Do Companies Want in a Sponsorship Pitch?

Typing mom

Always wondered what a company wants to see in a conference sponsorship pitch? Read what the Director of Marketing Communications for SCI Child had to say about this topic, plus an overview of what to include in your letter.

Personal Conference Sponsorship Guidelines

Something you need to think about as you are writing your pitch is how you plan to promote the brand. Below are links to conference-specific personal sponsorship guidelines. Not every conference has their guidelines posted, but I can assure you that almost every conference (and probably all of them) DO have guidelines about this.

Creating a Media Kit


I have received so many emails recently asking how to secure sponsorship for conferences. But before we address what you should do to approach companies, I’d like talk about why having a media kit is an important part of crafting your pitch.

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