There is a great line up of speakers for Type-A Advanced in Philadelphia and a bunch of them have books out as well. You don’t have to wait until the conference to begin learning from the speakers!
Amy Allen Clark will be speaking on Driving Pinterest Traffic. She wrote The Good Life for Less: Giving Your Family Great Meals, Good Times, and a Happy Home on a Budget.
Maria Bailey will be speaking on Monetizing Video and Online Streaming. She has written: Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion-Dollar Market.
Amy Bair will be speaking in the session. They’re Just Not That Into You – What Turns Brands Off and How to Fix It . She wrote Raising Digital Families For Dummies.
Deb Ng will be speaking on Community Management. She wrote Online Community Management For Dummies.
Sharon Rowley will be speaking on Traffic Building. She wrote The Old English Version of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica (Anglo-Saxon Studies).
Andrea Vahl will be speaking on Maximizing Facebook Ads on a Blogger’s Budget. She wrote Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies and also contributed to How to Avoid being a High Risk Merchant.
Missy Ward will be speaking on Advanced Affiliate Marketing. She wrote Internet Marketing from the Real Experts.
Have you read any of these? Do you have any of them? Take it along and get it an autograph!