Tweet Hopefully the Sponsorship 101 series has been helpful or at the very least, gave you more confidence to try for blog conference sponsorships. A lot of information was presented, so if it felt a bit overwhelming, read each section separately and let it sink in! Pitching for sponsorship takes practice, just as any other [...]
Sponsorship 101: Pros & Cons of Personal Sponsorship
Tweet This segment of the Sponsorship 101 series addresses personal conference sponsorship as a whole: the pros and cons of being sponsored. One of the most commonly discussed blog conference-related topics is personal conference sponsorship. Because many are unable to fund the fees associated with attending solely on their own, attaining sponsorships becomes an attractive [...]
Sponsorship 101: Working With Sponsors Isn’t Just About Promoting
Tweet Today Blog Conference Newbie Guide’s “Sponsorship 101″ series continues with the topic of how to work with your sponsor in ways you might not have previously thought about. Many seem to focus solely on promotional efforts when it comes to partnering with their sponsor. However, doing so glosses over another important way to bring [...]
Sponsorshop 101: Promoting Your Conference Sponsor Online
Tweet In this Sponsorship 101 series so far, we’ve looked at how to get a sponsor and how to promote said sponsor at blog conferences. Now let’s look at ways you can promote your sponsor online before, during, and after attending the blog conference. In all honesty, most of the ways you will promote your [...]
Sponsorship 101: Promoting Your Sponsor Appropriately At Blog Conferences
Tweet The second post in this “Sponsorship 101″ series on Blog Conference Newbie Guide delves into how to promote your brand at blog conferences while still adhering to personal sponsorship guidelines. (If you missed the first post in the series, go back and read Sponsorship 101: How To Get A Sponsor) “I’ve read the personal [...]
Sponsorship 101: How To Get A Sponsor
Tweet As we gear up for 2011 blog and social media conference season which is approaching almost as fast as the holidays are, the topic of gaining conference sponsorship continually pops up. Earlier this year, Blog Conference Newbie Guide published various posts on the topic of conference sponsorship: Personal Sponsorship Guidelines What Companies Want in [...]
This Blogger’s Perspective on Sponsorship
What Do Companies Want in a Sponsorship Pitch?
Personal Conference Sponsorship Guidelines
Something you need to think about as you are writing your pitch is how you plan to promote the brand. Below are links to conference-specific personal sponsorship guidelines. Not every conference has their guidelines posted, but I can assure you that almost every conference (and probably all of them) DO have guidelines about this.