August 12, 2014

BlogHer 2010 Recap Posts

BlogHer 2010

Tweet BlogHer 2010 is over, but lack of sleep + tons of fun = fun recap posts! If you’ve written a post-Blogher post or have a link to tons of pictures from the conference, link up here. Those who are contemplating about buying their BlogHer 2011 ticket will be able to head over to your [...]

Weddings, Birth Plans, and Blogging Conferences

I recently got my “bliss” on at Blissdom 2010. Leading up to the conference, I was so excited about attending and meeting bloggers in real life (and seeing Harry Connick Jr.), that it wasn’t until a week before the conference I realized, “I only know a handful of these ladies from online. I haven’t met a single soul in person!”

Conference Newbie to Semi-Pro in 5 Weeks

Mandy & Marissa

In January I was a conference virgin. I had read all about them on other blogs and on Twitter, but had never been to one in person. The excitement that seems to swirl around them was intoxicating to me. I wanted a piece of the action – partly to see what the all the hubbub was, and partly to really learn about becoming a better blogger.

Blissdom Recap: Vlog Style

Hollee Schwartz Temple talks about her experience as a conference newbie at Blissdom in this vlog recap.

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